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Two Mistakes of Lotto Players - Perhaps More

In order to answer to the frequent question:" why I always lose at lotto?", you should to recognize that you repeat the same old mistake. I heard people saying million times:" why this always happens to me?". Whenever you think that to make an effort for winning the lottery, is just worthlessness, you lose an opportunity to win money. If you are not willing to change this concept and if you will continue to play, under the assumption that you need only a bit of luck to win and nothing more, you can wait entire your life and luck will not come to you. Finally you will demonstrate to yourself that you have played lotto in the illusory way.

The remedy starts from your head. Think that you want to eliminate this mistake and decide that you are ready to try the way of a winner. The way of a winner is full of obstacles, but it does not prevent him from continuing because he knows that he will overcome them, one by one.

Lotto system is not based on luck and chances. It works always by precise rules and principles of functionality. That is why, it works always ordered and predictable.But it, of course, requires your involvement to discover such wonderful things. Only by doing so, you can obtain an extraordinary success. Instead of running a full of risk play, you simply can do something efficiently.and then the path to lotto money will be your perfect path too. Learn the strengths and the weakness of this system and then you will know what to do Lotto system is not gambling. It is a play to challenge your mind.

And stop scanning for what is wrong in this system. Stop looking only for what does not work. It is another your mistake and you do it because so you heard from others and not because you analyzed it. Here is how I interpret this. By doing so you play the role of a victim that is far from the role of a winner. It comes from the subconscious level of your mind. Long time it is there. Because of it you are a loser. Although you buy a lotto ticket hoping to win, in reality, you expect to lose. This is your feeling when you buy that ticket. You have not a feeling of certitude and conviction that you are going to win.

When you will lose, you will exclaim:" Again I have not luck ". As long as you will not change the worst style of playing lotto based only on luck, you will be a loser.

Victorya Gold, lotto expert, has an unique and invaluable knowledge in the lotto field. Over three decades, she works with people that really want to discover the winning lotto numbers before they will be drawn. She brought an important contribution to scientific research in lotto field, being author of numerous professional articles. January 2010, she opens the first and unique training online that instantly forces you to win the lottery. Grab now this opportunity. Contact her at or at

She still takes time out to offer free consultation. Visit

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Victorya Gold - EzineArticles Expert Author This article has been viewed 6 time(s).
Article Submitted On: December 27, 2010

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